
Go from just pray and wait to cuddles and pancakes on the weekends.

Does this sound like you?

You've spent your energies going to the right schools, getting the right jobs, serving at church in all the right ways. You're proud of all you've created, overcome, and experienced.
But, honestly, you’re tired of being the strong one who takes care of everything, on your own, all the time. You wish someone else would be strong and take care of you, help make decisions, and help share the load. You want someone to come home to, dress up for, and build a legacy with. 
You want a husband who's also your best friend. But you're struggling to find any dependable, compatible men, especially one who is a committed Christian.

You wonder…
does God want you to be single? 

Everyone tells you to be patient and God will send you a spouse. 

But you're tired of waiting.

Imagine this…

  • Going into work on Valentine's Day and seeing a beautiful bouquet of flowers at your desk and a loving note

  • having someone to come home to every night

  • Imagine creating traditions and memories with someone who loves you 

  • Imagine growing old with someone who adores everything about you and knows just how to hold you

This is a dream worth going after. 
And I can help you make this dream a reality.

My proprietary proven dating techniques, combined with intimate coaching, make finding love inevitable and enjoyable.

I help you find the man God created just for you by teaching you my unique KNOW, GROW, SHOW process (know your value, grow your value, and show your value). 

Learn the KNOW, GROW, SHOW process, and watch your dating experience transform in these 4 areas


Finally own your value so that you inspire people to treat you the way you deserve


Meet compatible, godly men in person AND online


Learn how to effectively talk to men so they're inspired to commit


Go from boring, platonic conversations to electric interactions that create a spark for both of you

You don’t have to waste time figuring out men and dating on your own, sis, especially when you don’t know what to try next. Your time is valuable. Your dreams have waited long enough.

Are you ready to make it inevitable that you will have your special someone to bring home for the holidays???

The Programs

1:1 Private Coaching

This is perfect for the motivated woman who wants undivided, private attention in her search love. This is particularly appropriate for international clients, clients who've experienced trauma, or for the client who simply doesn't want to share me with anyone during her journey. We talk daily with written and voice messages for the most luxurious and immersive experience and meet weekly for a video coaching call.

6 months of coaching

$4,000 down and 5 monthly payments of $1,800

The Sisterhood

The Sisterhood is for someone who wants an intimate community. One woman once said she was looking for bridesmaids for her future wedding. The women get really close through daily messaging with each other and me and weekly coaching calls together. I only allow a maximum of 8 women per Sisterhood cohort. I offer the same deliverables that a 1-1 client gets. So honestly the Sisterhood is essentially a 1-1 program where you make friends and have community.

6 months of coaching

$1,000 down and 5 monthly payments of $450

In my coaching programs, you’ll have access to:

  • Send me a Slack message anytime for coaching, advice, or "He sent me this text what should I say?" help

  • Full, lifetime access to The Christian Dating Playbook course

The next step is to book a consult call now.

There’s only ONE reason you’re still single. It’s different for everyone, but in one call I’ll tell you what that reason is & how to fix it. Sound good? If the answer is yes, apply today and schedule a free One Reason consult call.


All of my clients get the results they’re looking for.

The transformation is guaranteed as long as you are prepared to change your behaviors that are holding you back from love.

Let’s get you married, sis!